Friday, April 30, 2010

Getting Her Back - Michael Webb books

General Ideas for Re-working Your Break Up

When you are faced with problems in your relationship, it would be easy to walk away and let it fail, while it is harder to stay and work it through. When you are faced with these issues, to keep it in perspective, think of the way you felt when you first met and the reason you fell in love. Remember the good and the bad times you shared, and what makes it worth it.

You know that it takes two to tango, and this applies to your relationship as well. An effort from only one party is not going to prove to be successful.

Many relationships fail for a number of reasons here are a few of the common ones:

· High expectations generally happen when entering a relationship viewing everything through rose-colored glasses/spectacles. When these expectations are not met disappointment and frustration soon follow.

· Financial issues are not taboo between couples. A household budget should be discussed early so you know what is expected of you. It is important to speak up about money issues when they first arise, and not scream about it when you both are angry.

· Manage your stress. Recognize what stresses you both out and do whatever you can to not fall prey. Too much stress can hamper one’s ability to think and respond properly.

· Compromise and do things as a couple. Go to a football match with him and take her shopping, or go on holiday together. Don’t be afraid to speak up and tell your significant other what you want and need. No offense to you guys, but you don’t take hints well, so learn to LISTEN, not just hear! Part of listening also involves not get defensive when she speaks to you, be genuine, compassionate, understanding and sincere.

· Spice up your relationship and go out and have a night on the town together. Bring home flowers and chocolates for no particular reason. Apologize if you have done something to upset her, and surprise her with something that she’s been wanting but do it for “no reason whatsoever” not because it’s her birthday or Valentine’s day.

Both of you have to be willing to make this relationship work. Don’t scream, argue and curse, rather sit down, call a meeting and be reasonable and logical about it. Try not to get too emotional, speak calmly when you say what you have to say.

There are an abundance of tips that can save your relationship, but like with all advice, it may not work in all situations. An understanding of your partner and what your relationship requires can provide you with what you need.

Oprah Love Expert Michael Webb is the founder of "Getting Her Back... for Good" and has taught 1000s of men all over the world how to recover their lost love. He details his steps and valuable advice at Getting Her Back. Explore more of Michael Webb Books, at the website.

Monday, April 26, 2010

SWOT Method of Getting Her Back - Michael Webb Books

The SWOT Method of Getting Her Back

So serious is your intention on getting her back that you need to devise a strategy and one that will work. So here comes the SWOT technique. Now I don’t mean SWAT as in the beefed up security force who all have the good looks and bodies of Hollywood stuntmen but the SWOT of any strategic planning mission. You need to identify your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.

So your Vision is: To get HER back

Your Mission is: Identify whatever means, methods and timelines it will take to achieve your objective in as short a time as possible.

You need to create your “Strategic Plan”. So first things first and that is to identify your strengths. Well that is pretty easy right! WRONG! Remember, she left you so obviously your strengths were not as “strong” as you would have liked. Now is the time to sit down and do some contemplative thinking.

In so far as your weaknesses go, the best part of this is that most of it is already covered in strengths above because sometimes, the absence of certain strengths is seen as weaknesses. For example, each of the following may be considered weaknesses:

  • lack of apparent affection and tactility (the touch factor)
  • a poor communication technique
  • spending too much time in front of the Television
  • spending too much time with the boys
  • lack of appreciation for all that she does
  • lack of cooperation and help around the home

So use these “weaknesses” to work on improving and adding to your strengths. I can assure you, if you think you don’t have any weaknesses, phone up some of her girlfriends and I bet they will give you at least 10 right off the bat.

In a business environment, opportunities are normally external so this is where her family and friends come in. (Provided they agree to talk to you). If not, consider that a weakness or a threat and deal with it in that regard). If there is some unfulfilled need of your exes, now is the time to identify it and utilize it. Maybe she wants a puppy? Pay a visit to the pound and get her one, that way you are maximizing the situation – supporting charity and scoring a big brownie point with her. Whatever the case, the opportunities are there, you just need to find them.

Threats could be a slap in the face, extreme rejection, the fact she may already have moved on or that she really just does not love you any more. So you need to identify what these threats could be and make sure that you have a plan that can eliminate all of these threats ensuring that she comes back to where she belongs, in your arms and in your bed!

Yes it might sound a little cold and analytical to compare your ‘modus operandi’ of “getting your ex back” to a strategic plan but heck, if it can save blue chip companies, why wouldn’t you use the same strategy to save the most important person in your life!

Oprah Love Expert Michael Webb is the founder of "Getting Her Back... for Good" and has taught 1000s of men all over the world how to recover their lost love. He details his steps and valuable advice, in his book Getting Her Back Discover more about Micheal Webb books and his techniques at the website.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How to Get Her Back for Good - Michael Webb

How to Get Her Back -- For Good

Let’s say you are one of those men who have been in a “plodding” relationship for a couple of years now, in fact, so mundane the “plod”, you can’t even remember how many years. Even worse, you forget your anniversaries, pleading a frenetic work schedule and make flippant promises to make good but they never materialize. Seriously, who needs to put that much effort in right? Wasn’t it Douglas Adams who wrote, “I am so amazingly cool you could keep a side of meat in me for a month and I am so hip I have difficulty seeing over my pelvis?” That’s how confident you felt about yourself and your relationship right? Those back-slapping buddies of yours who convince you that forgetting the 10th anniversary is acceptable. Does this all sound familiar?

Then along comes the realization that she’s been making a lot of noise on being taken for granted, under-appreciated, the relationship being one-sided, ‘yadda, yadda, yadda’ and you just kept right on ignoring her. Why not, you’ve heard it all before!

So now even after much deliberation and your beleaguered aptitude of hindsight, you still can’t figure out why she left you. So how are the relationships of your beer-swilling, jerky chewing, ass-scratching friends? Hmmn, thought so. Either they are divorced, separated; sadly single cradling some alcoholic snifter instead of holding the sweet soft skin of her satiny cheeks between their clammy little paws. So here’s the cruncher – “How is their advice and your previous approach to relationships working for you???!”

It’s not is it? Let me guess, once you realized she’d split, you phoned all your buddies and off you went on a “mock-stag” night to celebrate your “new found freedom” and it worked for about two hours until you got home and found the empty unmade bed, the overflowing trash and crumpled shirt and trousers still in need of ironing. That’s when the epiphany hit you like a wet cold fishy slap on the forehead– it was you who’d been who’d been dumped at the alter!

You ‘brave’ it out for a few more days and by the end of the week, although you would rather stick a pin in your eye than admit it, you are LOST without her. There is this huge chasm in your life that she used to fill and it was only after she’d gone, that you realized how important she was to you. Not only that but suddenly you start to see her as every other horny guy out there sees who and you realize you had one “Good Looking Cooking!” You need to win her back and fast! Now this is where you need to take a long, hard look at the relationship you used to have with her, or more honestly, a long hard look at what it is you did that drove her away. This is where the Holy Grail of Relationship Fix-it’s in getting HER back, begins!

Oprah Love Expert Michael Webb is the founder of "Getting Her Back... for Good" and has taught 1000s of men all over the world how to recover their lost love. He details his steps and valuable advice at Getting Her Back.

Discover all of Michael Webb books at the website

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Making Up After Breaking Up - Tips from Michael Webb books

Making Up After Breaking Up

Out on the Town – Restaurants

If the two of you enjoyed eating out when it was working and she has given you the benefit of the doubt with a second chance, then spice up your dates by visiting different restaurants around town. It is always exciting to try different cultural foods and different venues. However, the two of you have always enjoyed a specific restaurant, use it to your advantage when you go on the romantic make up date. If you know that your she enjoys drinking a specific red wine at the restaurant, phone ahead and ask that the wine be ready at the table when the two of you arrive. Remember – Romance, particularly making up romance is the reason behind this action - like your mother told you, “it’s the thought that counts,” and little things like this can make her feel extra-special and that you have changed.

Out on the Town – Fast Food

Okay so not everyone can afford to eat out and although it might not be healthy, fast food really tastes good! And eating it once in a while won’t kill you. You don’t need to spend a fortune to impress her but you do need to show that you have spent time and thought and that you are genuine in your quest to apologize, prove to her that you have changed and that you appreciate her. Order the things you love the most and then find your old/new romantic spot, spread a blanket, sit on a wall or just sit in the car and watch the sun set whilst you feast. Once the tummies are full, it is easier to engage in conversation particularly if an apology is due. Surprise her with a pre-planned “take out” or “store bought” dessert – her favorite. She will not be expecting this and will be touched at your consideration.

Fast food is also a good way to organize a picnic in a hurry. For example: If your partner has had a really long day at work, and doesn’t feel like cooking dinner, pack a picnic blanket in the car and take them to their favorite fast food joint. You can then take the blanket down to the beach or a local park (where it’s safe) and enjoy a relaxing picnic together. If safety is a concern, set up the picnic in your garden at home. If the weather is not suitable, picnic in your lounge in front of the fireplace and roast some marshmallows together.

These ideas are simple, affordable and yet show that you are sincere, contrite and have a “romantic” buried deep inside you somewhere just waiting to “burst” out.

Oprah Love Expert Michael Webb is the founder of "Getting Her Back... for Good" and has taught 1000s of men all over the world how to recover their lost love. He details his steps and valuable advice. Pick up your copy of Getting Her Back . Discover all of Michael Webb Books at the website.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tips Get Her Back from Michael Webb Books

Your Manner of Approach

If you're interested in learning how to win HER back, here’s a bit of information that might help. It may not be easy and it might not even work but if you don’t at least try, you will never know. You also need to understand that some relationships are just not meant to work and if that is the case with yours, then don’t even waste your time and effort. Rather look else where for comfort and a new beginning. However, the main objective here is to “win her back” and so this is how we do it.

Firstly, you need to be in control of your emotions. This is not an easy task at present, emotions are running high for both of you, ranging from anger to grief and shock so it is difficult to try and focus. It requires both conscious effort and control and you need to keep your “eye on the ball” as it could be tough, time consuming and sometimes, demoralizing. But if you stay focused, then you have the opportunity to prove to yourself and everybody around you, especially your ex that you're capable to deal with difficult situations.

When staying in control, you have to keep a mind to not retaliate. Most guys retaliate after a breakup and this definitely will make things worse than they already are. “Getting her back” or “making her want you more by making out with her friend” will NOT work. It will only validate her mistrust of you and push her away even further. You need to give your ex time along, avoid contacting her, especially immediately after the break up. This is probably one of the most difficult things to do, but it is necessary and it also gives her a chance to miss you.

The last thing you need to do is “hibernate” as it is often tempting to stay at home along following a rough breakup and but this is the worse thing you could do. Not only will you be seen as weak, but it will exacerbate your situation even further driving home your sense of loneliness. It is important that you stay in touch with your friends and continue to enjoy life. You need to keep yourself busy.

If you want to know how to approach your ex, talk to her friends (if they agree to talk to you), if not, be persistent and let them see you are genuinely regretful. The more information you can gather on your ex’s state of mind and her feelings towards you, the better. Research, organization and preparation hand in hand together with a romantic ambiance, environment, intention or occasion should work hands down any time. Once you have an idea of where her mind is at, you can plan your approach accordingly and design a “come back” strategy that will not only impress her, but “blow her socks off”.

Oprah Love Expert Michael Webb is the founder of "Getting Her Back... for Good" and has taught 1000s of men all over the world how to recover their lost love. He details his steps and valuable advice at Getting Her Back.Discover all of Michael Webb books at the website.